Special Delivery
Fast and secure. For urgent or valuable letters, packages and parcels guarantee next-day delivery to the Bailiwick and UK with Special Delivery.
Send letters and parcels across the Bailiwick and beyond. Guarantee delivery time, choose express services and track international items. Remember size and shape matter.
Fast and secure. For urgent or valuable letters, packages and parcels guarantee next-day delivery to the Bailiwick and UK with Special Delivery.
Sending time-sensitive or important documents or valuable packages to Europe and the rest of the world? FedEx is the delivery service of choice. Delivery to 200 countries, from Andorra to Zimbabwe.
Missed a delivery? If you were out when we tried to deliver your package you will have received a 'sorry we missed you' card. You can collect or we can redeliver your item.
We can send your mail to any address, anywhere in the world. Once the service is activated your mail will be redirected from your old residence or PO box to a new address in the Bailiwick, the UK or overseas.
With myEBOX Customer Collection Service you will be notified when you have a parcel to collect. Pick up from Envoy House at a time that suits you. Easy to use, secure, convenient, free of charge.
Have your parcel delivered first time, every time*, even when you are not at home. Choose a safe and secure place for our postal workers to leave your parcel.
Special rates for blind and visually impaired customers and keep in touch with members of the British Armed Forces.
Away from home? Let Guernsey Post look after your mail. The Keepsafe service holds your letters, packets and parcels whilst you are away.
Have you received an Underpaid Item Form? Pay the difference and surcharge online, in the post using stamps or give us a call and we can get your item delivered to you.